摘要:The Croatian territory, as part of the Mediterranean-trans-Asiatic belt, experiences pronounced earthquake activity. Seismic risk is the expected damage caused by earthquakes to buildings, measured both in social and economic losses, which can be described through seismic hazard, seismic vulnerability, and exposure. The city of Osijek is located in the eastern part of Croatia, and Retfala Nova is a residential settlement in the western part of the city. An important step in assessing earthquake loss is defining the exposure, so we created a form used to collect information on buildings and make a building database. In this paper, we estimated seismic vulnerability based on the capacity spectrum method, which involves constructing fragility curves and converting them to damage probability matrices, as well as constructing capacity curves.
其他摘要:Područje Republike Hrvatske, kao dio mediteransko-transazijskog pojasa, odlikuje se izraženom potresnom aktivnošću. Potresni rizik predstavlja očekivani stupanj oštećenja građevina nakon potresa. Može se jednostavno opisati kroz četiri elementa: potresnu