摘要:Coastal typhology as data base that describes the result of interaction among geophysical element to geological elements and anthropogenic aspects. This data can provide any information of morphological development processes which is reflected in the coastal characteristics map. Identification of the Papela coastal area, Rote Island, about 60 km length, based on indirect and direct methods. Direct method is done by field observation such as : geological condition, relief, shoreline character and dominant process. While indirect method is done by imagery satellite interpretation and related previous data. Observation results of coastal condition, that the study area is divided into four coastal types, there are rocky cliff, sandy pocket beach, muddy and sandy beach. Coastal geology of study area composed of Holocene Alluvium, Quaternary Coral Limestone and Tertiary Bobonaro Complex that has low to high rocks resistance. Coastal morphology form by alluvium plain until slope rugged hills with low-high relief. The coastline characters consist of the rocky cliff, sandy pocket, sandy and muddy beach, with dominant process that influenced by fluviatil which is characterized by mangrove. Beach face material composed of sand and float stone, from 15-30 meters width with 5O-15O slope. Although the coastal area is relatively stable but erosion active process occurs at some places. It is characterized by float stone, and notches accompanied by rock fall. While, accretion occur in muddy coastal type that is characterized by mangrove plants.
其他摘要:Tipologi pantai sebagai data dasar yang menggambarkan hasil interaksi antara unsur geofisika terhadap unsur geologi dan aspek antropogenik. Data ini dapat memberikan informasi proses pembentukan morfologi yang tercermin di dalam peta karakteristik pantai.
关键词:Coastal type;marine process;abrasion;accretion;Papela coast;Rote Island
其他关键词:Tipologi pantai;proses laut;abrasi;akrasi;dan pantai Papela