摘要:One of the tasks in conducting a renewable energy research is finding a shallow gas contained commonly in river deltas. The location chosen is in Topang Delta,, Meranti District, Riau Province in 2015. The research was conducted by using sub-bottom profiling (SBP) method. Biogenic gas indications could be observed in the SBP records in the forms of free reflector, acoustic plumes and acoustic blanket. The shallow biogenic gas at research area is trapped in A and B sequences. Sequence A is characterized by plume gas and acoustic blanket, while B-type biogenic gas is showed by free-reflector feature of 10-15 meters depth. Sediment which does not have porocity such as old clay is required environment for anaerobic bacteria as catalyst in the formation of biogenic gas to be evolved. Old clay sediment is potential as a biogenic gas source rock afterwards migrated to a layer of sand as a reservoir rock. Some parts of biogenic gas does not appear to the surface because there have been traped in cap rock in form of young clay sediment.
其他摘要:Salah satu tugas dalam melakukan penelitian energi terbarukan adalah pecarian gas dangkal yang biasa terdapat di delta-delta sungai. Lokasi yang terpilih adalah di delta Topang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti, Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2015. Penelitian yang di