摘要:Acoustic waves propagate through a medium meet the Snell’s Law, its energy is reflected and some are scattered back at certain angle. The Side Scan Sonar (SSS) methods use this principle to identify seabed character. The intensity of the backscatter greatly depends on the morphology and sediments texture or rocks distributed on seabed. The intensity of backscatter waves is a representation of the morphology, sediments texture, and types of rock that distributed on the seabed, therefore it is possible to estimate sedimentary texture and identify the presence of rocks or coral reefs based on this information. In this publication authors estimate sediments texture, rocks or coral reefs based on backscatter intensity through the image processing on the Side Scan Sonar (SSS) image. Intensity will be converted into pixel values on the image with range value 1-255 (gray scale image) and entropy values which are statistical measures of randomness. Entropy value is maximum when most of pixel value image is in the middle of the colour spectrum range (between very dark to very bright), in contrast, it is minimum when pixel value is in the spectrum of very dark or very bright. Based on both parameters, classification is conducted. The classification is carried out on the SSS image at Bontang and Batam that have very different seabed characters. The classification results using an image processing shows that the distribution of sediment textures consist of 4 (four) classes for either Batam or Bontang. In the Bontang area, very fine sediments were identified which are associated with low value of both intensity and entropy - dark zones in gray scale images, and coarse sediments associated with high value of both intensity and entropy - bright zone in the gray scale image. Similar characteristic is observed in Batam area, which are identified fine sediment (associated to low intensity) - coarse sediments (high intensity). In contrast to Bontang, in Batam the entropy exhibit the opposite value, high value are correlated to fine sediment and vice versa. This might be due to the presence of rocks and sedimentary structures.
其他摘要:Gelombang akustik sebagian besar energinya dipantulkan memenuhi prinsip snellius dan sebagian kecil dihamburkan balik dengan sudut. Metode Side Scan Sonar (SSS) memanfaatkan prinsip hambur-balik gelombang untuk mengidentifikasi permukaan dasar laut. Inten
关键词:Side Scan Sonar;Intensity;Backscatter and entropy
其他关键词:Side Scan Sonar;Intensitas;Hambur balik dan Entropi