摘要:In this paper procedure of the seismic isolation of structures with appropriate seismic analyses are presented. Paper is a part of the B.Sc thesis of student Senka Mitrovic from October 2005. made at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek. There is no one case of seismic isolation protection of structure in Croatia today. Is it only on the theory of structural dynamics based procedure or there is any chance of its application in practice, time will show. First part of paper shows elemental and based theoretical analysis on which the protection with isolators is based. After that the reinforced concrete frame construction layout area of 30 x 18 meters and a height of 18 meters was analysed with and without seismic base isolator protection.
其他摘要:Ovaj rad sažeti je prikaz postupka seizmičke izolacije građevinskih konstrukcija, argumentiran kratkim prikazom provedenih seizmičkih analiza. Dio je diplomskog rada studentice Senke Mitrović, obranjenog u listopadu 2005. godine na Građevinskom fakultetu
关键词:earthquake;seismic analysis;seismic protection;isolators;structure on elastic isolators
其他关键词:potres;seizmička analiza;seizmička zaštita;izolacija;konstrukcija na elastičnim ležajevima