期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:Although pan-European universities became autonomous institutions,their governance structure is still organized under the laws of each state,which expressly states the functions and management structures together with their attributions.For the past two years,the Romanian academic environment experienced a consistent reform.The old ground of the educative system was reinforced by the new Law of National Education which represented,for our country,the starting of the modernization of the academic education.By modifying the regulation framework,certain key-objectives were envisaged,such as: the modernization of higher education institutions management,reinforcing university autonomy and the public liability,insuring quality in academic education,enforcing measures for stating university ethics,competition financing,supporting performant private education,developing trans-borders cooperation,both at the Community level and globally.In the university management,the changes followed: a review of governance structures and leaving behind the traditional self-governance model,focusing on the new models,which re-distribute the decision making power and responsibilities between stakeholders,internal and external.Now,Romanian academic education can be found in the middle of the crossroad since the reform is not completed but must go on in order to improve educational results.