期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:The adaptation of education to the development of technology is a necessary imperative.The appearance,in a relatively short period,of various information technologies and continue their development offers many opportunities and challenges both for students and for their teachers and educational institutions.The education is an essential activity in the development of a society,and in a computerized society is urgently required the existence of a virtual education.Through this article we want to highlight the role and impact of ICT on access institutional functioning and the teaching-learning process.Web space offers research facilities for students and open resource for teachers.The educational materials,interactive simulations and demonstrations videos captures students ' attention and arouse the interest and desire to know.Though there are weaknesses of virtual education such as: restricted or no access to the necessary infrastructure for e-Learning,anxiety to communicate in a group,to share information,etc.The case study of the paper is done on the basis of the e-learning platform Moodle,implemented in the University “Constantin Brancusi” of Targu Jiu,and illustrates the interaction between students and teachers on the basis of this platform.Easy and comfortable handling of e-learning system Moodle,friendly interface and easy-to-understand lead us to affirm that this system is a very efficient tool,which can develop and provide training staff new possibilities for professional development.But,at the same time,requires a concerted effort on the part of all stakeholders: teachers need to be trained and supported,university management shall develop special procedures for the training of personnel involved in IT technology,define and implement changes in the educational programs,methodologies and evaluation practices to be adapted to the e-Learning System,students should be trained and encouraged to take part in the development of the portal.