期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:This paper aims to highlight the implications of fiscal policy and budgetary measures on the Romanian economy after its inclusion on the coordinates of the market economy.Thus,we analyzed the evolution of macroeconomic indicators in conjunction with fiscal measures adopted.The research shows that the measures adopted in fiscal plan were passed on the economy,the effects of registration are often contrary to those expected.Giving a leading role financial tax system generally increased tax burden,accompanied by a low collection rate,repeated changes in tax laws and poor economic conditions concrete.In this context,the creation,allocation and optimal redistribution of budget resources are useful elements in the sustainable recovery of economic growth.I believe that fiscal policy is a permanent policy contestable numerous debates about the effectiveness of using a tax system for purposes other than financial concern namely monetary resources needed to cover expenditure for social or collective needs.Fiscal integrity in the decision process of traders produce permanent changes in their original condition,a change in behavior due to their concern objectively to find those ways of organizing and selling activities to generate the lowest tax burden.I appreciate that fiscal policy remains a tool of macroeconomic adjustment to national authorities.This means that the responsibility of maintaining budgetary balance and the responsibility of maintaining balance in the real economy will always return to the National Government.