期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:For realizing the paper “Economic Competition Environment in Romania”,I considered the analysis of antitrust norms appliance,the economic concentration control and the control of state aids in Romania.In 2010,the Council activity was impacted by a series of important changes from a legislative point of view,but also by the internal organization.In his modified form,the Competition Law and the new adopted secondary legislation offers to the Competition Council the necessary instruments for efficiently acting in ensuring the market functionality on competition bases.In 2011,the competition authority efforts will be focused on improving the appliance of completion legislation,mainly,by concentrating the analysis on very big violation of law and by finalizing the investigations older than 3 years,on the intensifying the cooperation with implied institutions from the state aid domain,but also on implementing some internal measures,designed to develop the administrative capacity of the institution.The legislative modifications of the Council expected since 2010 for 2011,have like final output the adoption of a new variant of Competition Law 211/1996,some of the adjustments being made since last year,by O.U.G.no.75/2010,and in 2011 this was approved.