期刊名称:Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie
出版社:Academica Brâncuşi
摘要:Regional development is a new concept that aims to boost and diversify economic activities,stimulate private sector investment,contribute to reducing unemployment and lead to an improvement in living standards.Development and harmonious arrangement of the territory is an imperative of any civilized state for the welfare of all its citizens.Regionalization is a top-down process,which has as a starting point regional imbalances and regionalism is a bottom-up process of representing how the region perceives regional consciousness considered as a homogeneous territory by its residents and the community.European reality is that where there is regionalization regionalism was imposed because "the future of Europe must be built by a balance between Brussels,states and regions." Regionalization is in fact the result of trends in territorial organization in European countries today.However,we can speak of a "Europe of regions" where regions are public corporate body that answers the need for territoralisation certain policies.This paper aims to define the first part,the concepts of region and regionalization in order to subsequently provide procedural issues on regional development policy.At the same time,it will highlight the main aspects of economic development,taking into account the economic,social,cultural.The last part of the paper we summarize the effects of policies on regional development regions of our country,guiding us as socio-economic situation.
关键词:region;regionalization;regional development;regional development policy;decentralization.