期刊名称:Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:Faktoryang Mempengaruhi Eksplorasi Karier Siswa SLTP.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh kepribadian siswa terhadap eksplorasi karier,pengaruh prestasi akademik,dan persepsi aspirasi orang tua terhadap peri-laku eksplorasi karier,dan prestasiakademik terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa.Po-pulasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP se-Prambanan.Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik cluster proportional random sampling.Data dianalisis meng-gunakan analisis regresi ganda.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepriba-dian memengaruhi eksplorasi karier tetapi tidak memengaruhi prestasi akademik.Persepsi siswa terhadap aspirasi orang tua tidak memengaruhi prestasi akademik tetapi memengaruhi perilaku eksplorasi karier siswa.
其他摘要:Factors Influencing the SMP Students’ Career Exploration.This study was aimed to reveal the influence of students’ personality on career exploration,of academic achievement and perception about parents’ aspiration on career explora-tion behavior,and of academic achievement on students’ career exploration.The population was all grade IX students of junior high schools in Prambanan.The sample was taken using the cluster proportional random sampling technique.The data were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis.The findings showed that personality influenced students’ career exploration but it did not influence the students’ academic achievement.The students’ perception about parents’ aspira-tion did not influence students’ academic achievement but it influenced students’ career exploration behavior.
关键词:eksplorasi karier;kepribadian;aspirasi orangtua;prestasi akademik