期刊名称:Cakrawala Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan
出版社:Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
摘要:The study of the multimedia practical in creating carbon allotrope of fullerenes was con-ducted for overcoming misconception in chemical bond.The students as samples were asked to pre-pare individually three “paper-balls” of C60,C70and C80from the corresponding structural-hexagon maps given to them along with the procedures.They were then asked to calculate the number of carbon atoms and identify the position of them relative to the pentagonal-hexagonal rings,identify the type of single-double covalent bonds and calculate the number of them.The findings showedthat there was a significant increase in the average learning achievement from 33.00 (pre-test) to 87.00 (post-test) with the normalized gain score average of 0.80 (in the high category).Moreover,the stu-dents’ perceptions toward this activity belonged to the high category (~92%).
其他摘要:Penelitian praktikum multimedia tentang pemodelan alotrop karbon fulerena telah dilakukan untuk mengatasi miskonsepsi pada ikatan kimia.Mahasiswa sebagai sampel membuat tiga bola kertas C60,C70dan C80sesuai map geometri heksagonal menurut prosedur yang telah disediakan.Selanjutnya mahasiswa diminta menentukan jumlah dan posisi atom karbon relatif terhadap lingkar pentagon-heksagon pengeliling,jenis dan jumlah ikatan tunggal-rangkap,pada ketiga bola-kertas yang dibuat-nya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari rerata skor 33,00 (pretes) menjadi 87,00 (postes) dengan rerata gain(capaian) ternormalisasi 0,80 (kategori tinggi).Selain itu persepsi maha-siswa atas kegiatan ini juga termasuk kategori tinggi (~92%).