期刊名称:JPES (Journal of Physical Education and Sports)
出版社:Universitas Negeri Semarang
摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan: model panduan ekstrakurikuler taekwondo pada sekolah-sekolah sebagai dasar pembibitan atlet. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah: Sekolah penyelenggara ekstrakurikuler taekwondo,Pengurus taekwondo,Instansi olahraga,Peserta ekstrakurikuler,atlet dan pelatih taekwondo di lingkungan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa dokumen maupun deskripsi mengenai permasalahan,hambatan dan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan mengenai pembinaan ekstrakurikuler taekwondo,sistem pembinaan taekwondo dan sistem pembinaan olahraga di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Sekolah penyelenggara ekstrakuriukuler taekwondo belum memiliki sistem dalam melaksanakan program ekstrakurikuler,(2) Sistem pembinaan taekwondo di Ogan Ilir belum terprogram secara berkelanjutan,(3) Sistem pembinaan olahraga di Ogan Ilir tidak berjalan. Sistem pembinaan ekstrakurikuler,taekwondo,dan olahraga di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir yang belum berjalan merupakan imbas dari berbagai hambatan yang perlu dicarikan solusi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,peneliti merekomendasikan : (1) Model ideal pelaksanaan ekstrakurikuler taekwondo yang dapat dijadikan solusi dalam pelaksanaan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah,(2) Model ideal sistem pembinaan eklstrakurikuler taekwondo sebagai dasar pembibitan atlet di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir sebagai solusi yang dapat digunakan pada sistem pembinaan taekwondo di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir.
其他摘要:The objectives of this research are to produce: (1) A model of an operational guide of extracurricular taekwondo in schools in The District of Ogan Ilir,(2) A system chanel model of extracurricular taekwondo development for talent scouting athletes in District of Ogan Ilir. This research is a qualitative research. The research subjects are: (1) Schools that organize extracurricular taekwondo (2) Board of taekwondo (3) Institutions of Sport in The District of Ogan Ilir,and (4) Participants,athletes and taekwondo coachs. Data are collected using techniques of observation,interview,dan documentation. Collected data consist of documents and descriptions of problems,constraint and phenomena occured in the fields concerning to extracurricular taekwondo development,taekwondo development system,and sport development system in The District of Ogan Ilir. The data analysis technique is triangulation. The research results show that (1) Schools that organize an extracurricular taekwondo have no system of conducting an extracurricular program,(2) The taekwondo development system in Ogan Ilir does not have any continuous program,(3) The sport development system in Ogan Ilir does not work. The halt of extracurricular taekwondo,and sport developments in The District of Ogan Ilir is as a result of some constraints that need the solution. Based on these research results,the researcher recommends: (1) The operational ideal model of extracurricular taekwondo shall be a solution for implementing the extracurricular in schools,(2) The system ideal model of extracurricular taekwondo development for a basic of talent scouting athletes in The District of Ogan Ilir shall be an applicable solution of taekwondo development system in The District of Ogan Ilir.