期刊名称:Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy Journal
出版社:College of Management, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
摘要:the present study is meant to be a "rst step towards the investigation of two current issues: the organization’s demand for highly professional services and the business consulting "rms’ response as a challenge for the ethic imperatives.!e main question raised is whether the national business consulting "rms are liable to provide the economic and risk analyses required by the ambitious internationalization projects of small and medium enterprises (SMEs),and if not,what should be the "rms’ ethical approach.In this respect,preliminary conclusions were made a#er testing the deliverables of several business consulting "rms which were contracted to elaborate intricate economic and risk analyses of an internationalization project developed by a medium enterprise.!e proven level of expertise of the contracted "rms did not con"rm their claims and assurances that they were "t for the job.!is is why the rationale of today’s business consulting "rms should be taken into account for further consideration while the exigency for increased savvy should become a priority.
关键词:economic analysis;sensitivity and risk analysis;SMEs;internationalization;business consultancy;business ethics