摘要:The study focused on the relationship of emotional and cognitive components of empathy with emotional intelligence abilities (labelling,understanding,and regulating emotions).Since both emotional intelligence and empathy have important role in a person’s socio-emotional health and well-being,we need to better understand the relations between these two related constructs.Additionally,having samples from two different countries enabled us comparison on the national level.Two samples of adults participated in the study,namely from Croatia (N = 138) and Portugal (N = 138).We found significant moderate correlations between empathy and emotional intelligence measures in both samples.Four dimensions from the Interpersonal Responsivity Index (IRI;empathic concerns,fantasy,personal distress and perspective-taking) had significant moderate correlations with each other,with similar patterns of correlations in both samples.The strongest correlations were found for the TEQ (affective component of empathy) and perspective-taking (cognitive component of empathy) and different emotional intelligence components.Participants in the Portuguese sample had higher scores on the emotional component of empathy (empathic care and the TEQ),while cognitive component (perspective-taking) was more expressed in the Croatian sample.Participants in the Portuguese sample also had higher scores on all three components of emotional intelligence than participants in the Croatian sample.Regardless of the nationality,women had higher scores on the measures of empathic care,fantasy,perspective-taking and the TEQ,while men scored higher on the measure of personal distress.Regarding emotional intelligence scales,women had higher results on the Perceive and Understand emotions scale.
其他摘要:V raziskavi smo se osredotočili na odnos čustvene in kognitivne komponente empatije s sposobnostmi emocionalne inteligentnosti (označevanje,razumevanje in reguliranje čustev).Ker imata tako emocionalna inteligentnost kot empatija pomembno vlogo v človekovem družbeno-čustvenem zdravju in blagostanju,moramo bolje razumeti odnose med tema dvema sorodnima konstruktoma.Poleg tega smo z vzorci iz dveh različnih držav omogočili primerjavo na nacionalni ravni.V študiji sta sodelovala dva vzorca odraslih oseb iz Hrvaške (N = 138) in Portugalske (N = 138).V obeh vzorcih smo ugotovili zmerne pomembne korelacije med empatijo in emocionalno inteligentnostjo.Štiri dimenzije iz Indeksa medosebne odzivnosti (IRI;empatične skrbi,fantazije,osebne stiske in perspektive) so imele med seboj pomembno zmerno korelacijo s podobnimi vzorci korelacij v obeh vzorcih.Najvišje so bile korelacije za TEQ (afektivna komponenta empatije) in perspektive (kognitivna komponenta empatije) in različne komponente emocionalne inteligentnosti.Udeleženci portugalskega vzorca so imeli višje izraženo čustveno komponento empatije (empatična skrb in TEQ),kognitivna komponenta (perspektiva) pa je bila bolj izražena v hrvaškem vzorcu.Udeleženci portugalskega vzorca so imeli tudi višje dosežke na vseh treh komponentah emocionalne inteligentnosti kot udeleženci v hrvaškem vzorcu.Ne glede na državljanstvo so ženske imele višje dosežke na lestvicah empatična skrb,fantazija,zavzemanje perspektive in TEQ,medtem ko so moški dosegli višjo stopnjo osebne stiske.Kar se tiče emocionalne inteligentnosti,so ženske imele višje rezultate na ravni zaznavanja in razumevanja čustev.
关键词:affective empathy;cognitive empathy;emotional intelligence;cross cultural studies