摘要:The contribution presents a study with 3-year-olds and examines relative contribution of children's age of entry to pre-school (1 and 3 years),their personality type (resilient,average,willful) and maternal parenting style (optimal,less-than-optimal) to the development of individual differences in social behavior.Employing The Family Environment Questionnaire (Zupančič,Podlesek,& Kavčič,2004),2 internally replicable parenting styles were identified with maternal and paternal self-report data sets.The styles differed mainly by authoritative parenting and stimulation,and appeared structurally similar between the spouses.Parental agreement on individual style membership significantly exceeded chance levels,but was relatively low.Therefore further analyses considered maternal parenting style only.The mothers also filled in The Inventory of Child Individual Differences (Halverson et al.,2003) and the teachers (concurrently and one year later) filled in The Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation scales (LaFreniere et al.,2001).Child personality type membership was based on classifications derived in a previous study.Relatively,the personality type exerted the strongest and the most consistent effects on child social behavior in pre-school.Social functioning of the resilient and the willful children was somewhat more efficient in comparison to their counterparts with the average profile,even though the latter showed the most improvement in these domains between ages 3 and 4.With the willful children only,less-than-optimal parenting had an adverse effect on the development of externalizing behavior,while the development of social adjustment was negatively affected by the children's late entry to pre-school.
其他摘要:V raziskavi smo pri 3-letnih otrocih ugotavljali,v kolikšni meri starost ob vstopu v vrtec (1 leto,3 leta),tip osebnosti (prožni,povprečni,svojeglavi) in mamin slog starševstva (optimalno,manj optimalno) prispevajo k razvoju individualnih razlik v socialnem vedenju.Preko maminih in očetovih samoocen v Vprašalniku družinskega okolja (Zupančič,Podlesek in Kavčič,2004) smo določili dva notranje visoko ponovljiva sloga starševstva,ki sta se razlikovala predvsem glede ravni avtoritativnosti in spodbujanja otrok.Sloga sta bila strukturno zelo podobna med mamami in očeti,skladnost individualne pripadnosti posameznemu slogu pa je bila med staršema zanesljivo višja od slučajne,vendar razmeroma nizka.V nadaljnji analizi smo zato upoštevali le mamin slog starševstva.Mame so izpolnile tudi Vprašalnik individualnih razlik med otroki (Halverson in dr.,2003),vzgojiteljice pa (sočasno in leto kasneje) vprašalnik Socialno vedenje otrok (LaFreniere in dr.,2001).Pripadnost otrok osebnostnemu tipu smo pridobili v okviru razvrstitve iz predhodne raziskave.Rezultati kažejo,da je imel tip osebnosti razmeroma največji in najdoslednejši učinek na socialno vedenje otrok v vrtcu.Socialno delovanje prožnih in svojeglavih otrok je bilo v povprečju nekoliko bolj učinkovito kot vedenje otrok s povprečnim profilom,čeprav so slednji med 3.in 4.letom na tem področju najbolj napredovali.Le pri svojeglavih otrocih je imelo manj optimalno starševstvo neugodni učinek na razvoj vedenja pozunanjenja,pozni vstop v vrtec pa na razvoj socialnega prilagajanja.
关键词:pre-school children;social behaviour;personality types;parenting styles;age of entry into pre-school
其他关键词:predšolski otroci;socialno vedenje;osebnostni tipi;slogi starševstva;starost ob vstopu v vrtec