摘要:The pre-school period plays a very important role in the language development.One of the significant indicators of this development is the phonological awareness.Some of the previous studies reported the presence of the relation between the phonological awareness and musical abilities.Our main goal was to examine this relation with the Test of the phonological awareness and the Test of musical abilities on 67 Slovene preschool children,aged from 5 to 6.We also wanted to investigate the differences between boys (N = 36) and girls (N = 31) and the differences between two age groups (aged from 5 to 5.5 years,N = 32,and from 5.5 to 6 years,N = 35).The results confirmed the connection between musical abilities and the phonological awareness.They also indicated that the recognition of the first and the last phoneme is related to melodic awareness and that phoneme merging is mainly related to rhythm awareness.No significant differences were found between male and female children or between the groups of the children of different ages.
其他摘要:Predšolsko obdobje je za otrokov jezikovni razvoj zelo pomembno.Eden od pokazateljev jezikovnega razvoja je fonološko zavedanje.Le-tega nekatere raziskave povezujejo z razvojem glasbenih sposobnosti.Namen raziskave je bil določiti stopnjo fonološkega zavedanja 5- do 6-letnih otrok in preučiti povezanost glasbenih sposobnosti in sposobnosti fonološkega razvoja na vzorcu 67 otrok iz vrtcev v Ljubljani in Postojni.Zanimale so nas tudi razlike med dečki (N = 36) in deklicami (N = 31) ter med dvema starostnima skupinama (od 5 do 5,5 let,N = 32,ter 5,6 do 6 let,N = 35).Otroci so bili ocenjeni s Testom fonološkega zavedanja in Testom glasbenih sposobnosti.Analiza rezultatov je potrdila hipotezo o povezanosti glasbenih sposobnosti in sposobnosti fonološkega zavedanja.Prav tako je pokazala,da se prepoznavanje začetnega in končnega glasu povezuje z melodičnim posluhom,sposobnost povezovanja glasov pa z ritmičnim posluhom.Razlike v razvitosti fonološkega zavedanja med različno starimi otroki in med spoloma se niso pokazale kot statistično pomembne.