摘要:Although self-regulation research is fragmented over several interdisciplinary areas and theories,the concept of self-regulation could represent a cohesive force for integrating different areas of psychology,such as clinical,educational,or organisational psychology.This paper focuses on selfregulation within the educational framework and elaborates the concept of self-regulated learning.Current advances in self-regulated learning research indicated that concepts,such as cognition and motivation,need to be integrated into a coherent self-regulation model.Two models that integrate cognitive and motivational constructs are described in this paper,namely the motivational and cognitive self-regulation components described by Pintrich and colleagues (e.g.,Garcia & Pintrich 1994),and a six component model of self-regulated learning provided by Boekaerts (1997).These models were used to formulate new and parsimonious organisational constructs that classify self-regulation components into proactive and defensive self-regulation patterns.At the end,the applicative value of the models and the need for further research,regarding the question of specific self-regulation failures (the depressive self-regulation pattern),are being discussed.
其他摘要:Čeprav raziskave samoregulacije najdemo na različnih interdisciplinarnih področjih in v različnih teorijah,bi lahko samoregulacija postala ključen integracijski pojem na različnih področjih psihologije – v klinični,pedagoški in organizacijski psihologiji.Ta članek se osredotoča na samoregulacijo znotraj pedagoškega okvira,na koncept samoregulacije učenja.Sodobne raziskave samoregulacijskega učenja kažejo,da moramo področji kognicije in motivacije integrirati v koherenten samoregulacijski model.Predstavljena sta dva modela,ki integrirata kognitivne in motivacijske procese pri samoregulaciji: model Pintricha in sodelavk (npr.Garcia in Pintrich,1994) ter šestkomponentni model samoregulacijskega učenja M.Boekaerts (1997).Ta dva modela sta bila uporabljena kot izhodišče za oblikovanje novih parsimoničnih organizacijskih konstruktov in modela,ki razvršča samoregulacijske komponente v proaktivne in defenzivne samoregulacijske vzorce.Prispevek se zaključi s predstavitvijo uporabne vrednosti modela in odprtih vprašanj,ki se nanašajo na nadaljnje raziskave,povezane z neuspešnostjo samoregulacije (t.i.depresivni vzorec samoregulacije).