首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月07日 星期五


  • 标题:Self-regulated Processes as Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Music Theory in Slovenian Elementary Music Schools
  • 其他标题:Samoregulativni procesi kot prediktorji uspešnosti učencev glasbene šole pri nauku o glasbi
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  • 作者:Barbara Smolej Fritz ; Cirila Peklaj
  • 期刊名称:Psihološka Obzorja
  • 电子版ISSN:2350-5141
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 卷号:18
  • 期号:4
  • 页码:5-18
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Slovenian Psychologists' Association
  • 摘要:The aim of the present research was to examine the relation between processes of selfregulated learning and achievement in Music Theory (MT),a basic and obligatory subject in Slovenian music schools.A total of 457 fifth- and sixth- grade students (153 boys and 303 girls) from 10 different elementary music schools in Slovenia participated in the study.Students completed a questionnaire about affective-motivational processes and a questionnaire about (meta)cognitive processes of selfregulated learning in MT,as well as achievement test.The final grades were collected at the end of the school year.The results showed that significant correlation exists between almost all affective-motivational and (meta)cognitive processes of self-regulated learning and achievement.Affective-motivational factors emerged as better predictors of students’ achievement than (meta)cognitive factors.The most important individual predictors were anxiety and competence.It was also found that self-regulated processes explain a greater amount of variance for final grades than for the achievement test.
  • 其他摘要:V raziskavi nas je zanimal odnos med nekaterimi vidiki samoregulativnega učenja in uspehom pri nauku o glasbi,ki je obvezen,temeljni predmet v slovenskih nižjih glasbenih šolah.Sodelovalo je 457 učencev petih in šestih razredov (153 fantov in 303 deklet) iz 10 glasbenih šol v Sloveniji.Učenci so izpolnjevali vprašalnik o čustveno-motivacijskih in (meta)kognitivnih procesih samoregulativnega učenja pri nauku o glasbi ter rešili preizkus znanja.Ob koncu leta smo pridobili tudi njihove zaključne ocene pri predmetu.Rezultati so pokazali,da obstajajo pomembne korelacije med skoraj vsemi vidiki samoregulativnega učenja in učenčevimi dosežki pri predmetu.Pokazalo se je,da so čustveno-motivacijski faktorji boljši prediktorji učnega uspeha kot (meta)kognitivni faktorji,ter da sta anksioznost in kompetentnost najpomembnejša individualna prediktoja.Ugotovili smo tudi,da samoregulativni procesi pojasnijo večji delež variance pri zaključnih ocenah kot pri rezultatih preizkusa znanja.
  • 关键词:elementary music education;music theory;self-regulated learning;academic achievement
  • 其他关键词:osnovno glasbeno izobraževanje;nauk o glasbi;samoregulativno učenje;učni uspeh