摘要:The paper presents a new family of psychological measures,developed in the last decade with the aim of measuring unconscious processes that,in addition to the conscious processes,contribute to the prediction of individual’s behaviour.The purpose of the so-called implicit or indirect measures is also overcoming the main limitations of existing psychological instruments (especially questionnaires),i.e.high possibility of deformation due to social desirability biases.These procedures include the use of computers and are generally based on comparison of participants’ reaction times in different blocks of test tasks.Some of the most frequently used measures and their variations are described and their psychometric properties are discussed,with special focus on predictive validity.The basic assumption is that implicit measures are especially predictive of spontaneous,automatic behaviour and explicit ones contribute mostly to the prediction of deliberate,intentional behaviour,though some studies show other predictive models to be possible as well.In addition,the contribution presents areas of psychology research in which implicit measures have already been used and offers suggestions for future research.
其他摘要:Prispevek predstavlja novo skupino merskih instrumentov,ki so jih v zadnjem desetletju razvili raziskovalci z namenom merjenja nezavednih procesov,ki poleg zavednih procesov prispevajo k napovedovanju posameznikovega vedenja.Namen t.i.implicitnih ali posrednih mer je tudi premagovanje težav,ki se pojavljajo ob uporabi obstoječih psiholoških pripomočkov (zlasti vprašalnikov),tj.predvsem velike možnosti popačenja rezultatov zaradi socialne zaželenosti.Izvedba postopkov pridobivanja implicitnih mer vključuje uporabo računalnika,večina pa jih temelji na primerjavi reakcijskih časov udeležencev pri različnih sklopih testnih nalog.V prispevku so opisani nekateri najpogosteje uporabljeni postopki in nekatere njihove različice ter njihove psihometrične značilnosti,zlasti napovedna veljavnost.Implicitne mere naj bi napovedovale predvsem spontano,samodejno vedenje,eksplicitne mere pa predvsem premišljeno,namerno vedenje,čeprav rezultati študij kažejo tudi na druge napovedne modele.Poleg tega prispevek predstavlja področja,na katerih so raziskovalci že uporabili implicitne mere,ter podaja nove predloge za prihodnje študije.