摘要:The aim of this paper is to introduce the Evaluation tool for road safety campaigns which is one of the most important results of the CAST project.Recommendations and guidelines of the Evaluation tool are based on the fact that certain attributes (the scope of a campaign,the target group(s),the goals and the activities of a campaign) of a campaign have a detrimental effect upon designing evaluation,which means choosing suitable measurement variables,data collection methods/techniques and research designs.Recommendations and guidelines about various options for evaluation are given for each of the four attributes separately.The Evaluation tool guides evaluator through the process by emphasizing the approaches that appear most useful in a given context together with the main strengths and weaknesses.
其他摘要:Namen prispevka je predstaviti Priročnik za evalvacijo medijskih kampanj v prometu,ki predstavlja enega glavnih rezultatov mednarodnega znanstveno-raziskovalnega projekta CAST.Priporočila in smernice Priročnika za evalvacijo temeljijo na spoznanju,da nekateri atributi (obseg/domet medijske kampanje,ciljna skupina,zastavljeni cilji ter izpeljane aktivnosti) medijskih kampanj odločilno vplivajo na načrtovanje evalvacije,torej na izbor merskih spremenljivk,metod/tehnik zbiranja podatkov in raziskovalnih načrtov.Priporočila in smernice o različnih možnostih evalvacije so podane za vsak atribut posebej.Priročnik evalvatorja usmerja,saj izpostavi tiste pristope,ki so v specifičnih situacijah najbolj uporabni,vključno z glavnimi prednostmi in pomanjkljivostmi.