摘要:The aim of the research was to study the influence of performance anxiety on efficiency of solo music performance.Internal (self-contempt,positive self-evaluation) and external criteria (musical rewards,successful solo performances,successful auditions) of efficiency of solo music performance were taken into consideration.The research was grounded on studies from the field of sports psychology and on the few studies that were carried out in the field of psychology of music.The research was conducted on 94 students of Music Academy,grouped by gender and field of study (instrumentalists,solo vocalists and composers vs.students of music teaching).The symptoms of performance anxiety were measured by a part of the Performance Anxiety Questionnaire,and efficiency of solo music performance by the Efficiency of Music Performance Questionnaire.Both questionnaires were developed for the purpose of the study.The results reveal the interrelationship between the internal criteria of efficiency in solo music performance and performance anxiety.On the other hand,only trends of correlation were established between performance anxiety and the external criteria of solo music performance.The research findings imply the important role of cognition as a mediator between performance anxiety and performance efficiency.
其他摘要:V prispevku sem skušala predstaviti vpliv izvajalske anksioznosti na uspešnost solističnega glasbenega nastopanja,pri tem sem upoštevala notranje (lastno zadovoljstvo in prepričanje o lastni dobri izvedbi) in zunanje kriterije uspešnosti (nagrade na tekmovanjih,uspešno opravljene avdicije,odmevnejši solistični nastopi).Izhajala sem iz raziskav,ki so bile izvedene na področju športne psihologije,in iz redkih raziskav,izvedenih v okviru psihologije glasbe.Raziskava je bila izvedena na študentih Akademije za glasbo,razdeljenih po spolu in smeri študija (inštrumentalisti,pedagogi).Za namen raziskave sem oblikovala Vprašalnik izvajalske anksioznosti,pri čemer sem v tej raziskavi uporabila del vprašalnika,ki se nanaša na izraženost simptomov,in Vprašalnik uspešnosti glasbenega nastopanja,ki meri različne vidike solističnega glasbenega nastopanja.Rezultati so pokazali,da se stopnja izvajalske anksioznosti povezuje z notranjimi kriteriji uspešnosti glasbenega nastopanja,pri povezanosti z zunanjimi kriteriji uspešnosti pa so bili nakazani le trendi povezanosti.Iz tega sem na podlagi teorije sklepala,da ima pri odnosu izvajalska anksioznost-uspešnost pomembno vlogo kognicija kot mediator.
关键词:psychology of music;performance anxiety;efficiency of solo music performance