摘要:The Committee for Psychological Tests of the Slovenian Psychological Association (SPA) is participating actively in the work of the Task Force for Tests and Testing of the European Federation of Professional Psychological Associations (EFPPA).This task force developed the questionnaire on tests and testing for psychologists,members of the national associations in the European states,which are members of EFPPA.321 psychologists answered the questionnaire in Slovenia.We have collected the opinions of psychologists about various topics regarding the use of psychological tests: knowledge and competence,legal standards and control,missuse and abuse of tests and testing,testing procedures and their limitations,significance of tests and testing etc.In addition,psychologists named three psychological tests they use most frequently.The respondents also provided useful commentaries on test use.In our study,Slovenian results are also compared with answers of psychologists in Great Britain,Spain,Croatia and Germany.
其他摘要:Delovna skupina za teste in testiranje pri Evropskem združenju profesionalnih psiholoških društev (EFPPA),v kateri sodeluje tudi Komisija za psihodiagnostična sredstva Društva psihologov Slovenije (DPS),je sestavila vprašalnik za psihologe – člane društev iz držav članic EFPPA o testih in testiranju.V Sloveniji je vprašalnik izpolnilo 321 psihologov.Tako smo zbrali mnenje psihologov o različnih vidikih uporabe psiholoških testov,kot so: znanje in kompetence psihologov,pravni standardi in nadzor,zlorabe testov in testiranja,postopki testiranja in njegove omejitve,pomen testov in testiranja in drugo.Psihologi so odgovorili tudi na vprašanje,katere tri teste najpogosteje uporabljajo.Obdelali smo tudi komentarje psihologov.V prispevku tudi primerjamo slovenske rezultate s povprečnimi rezultati iz Velike Britanije,Španije,Hrvaške in Nemčije.