摘要:The aim of the research was to determine the state of affairs regarding professional ethics of Slovene psychologists,particularly regarding the implementation of ethical principles and psychologists' and students' knowledge of ethics and procedures in the cases of ethical dilemmas and violations.Two dedicated questionnaires were designed by the authors.800 Slovene psychologists received the questionnaire and 150 of them responded.There were also 56 psychology students involved in the study.The results show some problematic issues such as: record keeping,exceptions of confidentiality,access to personal data,the content of informed consent,incompetence,copying of literature and diagnostic instruments – even not standardised ones,psychology students as subjects in psychological research,and lack of information on ethical aspects of students' practical work.Psychologists and students reported inadequate knowledge of professional ethics and suggested various kinds of ethical education.Institutions mostly enable psychologists to work within the Code of ethics.There are,however,conflicts regarding access to data and professional autonomy.Psychologists report conflicts between law and ethics,incorrect reports in media and lack of control over professional ethics.In the case of ethical violation psychologists do less than they should.They emphasise the problem of incompetence.The frequency and seriousness of certain violation were estimated.Ways of verifying knowledge,stimulating ethical conduct and taking different measures in the case of violations were suggested.The state of affairs in different working environments of psychologists was also described.Results show that psychologist who have worked in the field for a shorter period answer more frequently contrary to the Code of Ethics.Students' knowledge of ethics is mostly very satisfactory.The study emphasises the ethical aspects of psychological practice in Slovenia.It points to the issues that should be further analysed by the Slovene Psychological Association.It is a valuable source of information for the national Ethical Committee.Most important implications are that work to develop education in ethics and to pass the law on psychology in Slovenia should be pursued.
其他摘要:V študiji smo poskušali zabeležiti stanje na področju poklicne etike slovenskih psihologov,zlasti upoštevanje etičnih načel,informiranost psihologov in študentov psihologije o poklicni etiki ter ravnanje v primeru etičnih dilem oziroma kršitev.Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika v dveh verzijah.Eno verzijo je po pošti prejelo 800 slovenskih psihologov,od tega jih je v raziskavi sodelovalo 150.Na drugo verzijo pa je odgovorilo 56 študentov psihologije.Nejasnosti glede etike psihologovega dela se pojavljajo na naslednjih področjih: arhivi,izjeme zaupnosti,posredovanje podatkov,vsebina informiranega soglasja,vpogled v podatke,izvajanje postopkov kljub nezadostni usposobljenosti,nedovoljeno razmnoževanje literature in psihodiagnostičnih sredstev,sodelovanje študentov v raziskavah in podobno.Psihologi trdijo,da o poklicni etiki niso dovolj informirani,ter predlagajo različne oblike dodatnega izobraževanja.Opozarjajo na konflikte med etiko in zakonom in na pomanjkanje nadzora nad ravnanjem psihologov.V primeru kršitev psihologi storijo manj,kot naj bi storili.Menijo,da je največji problem opravljanje strokovnih nalog kljub neusposobljenosti.Psihologi s krajšo delovno dobo večkrat odgovarjajo v nasprotju s priporočili kodeksa.Poznavanje etike med študenti je z izjemo nekaterih področij zelo dobro.Raziskava usmerja pozornost slovenskih psihologov na etični vidik dela,kaže na področja,ki jih bo potrebno natančneje obdelati,opozarja na potrebe po izobraževanju s področja etike in daje nekatere predloge v zvezi s tem.Poleg tega izpostavlja nujnost ureditve pravnega položaja psihologije v Sloveniji.Rezultati predstavljajo potencialni vir informacij Komisiji za poklicno etiko Društva psihologov Slovenije ter podporo javni razpravi ob sprejetju zakona o psihološki dejavnosti.
关键词:professional ethics;psychology;code of ethics;cognizance;competence;training;education;Slovenia