摘要:The measures of temporal reliability and criterion validity of the Slovenian version of Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale – Preschool Edition (SV-P) are presented and discussed in the present contribution.Test-retest reliability indexes of the basic and composite scales were obtained with a sample of 39 children assessed in a two-month interval,while the temporal stability coefficients were obtained with an independent sample of 48 children evaluated after a six-month interval.All of the temporal reliability measures were proven sufficiently high.Sociometric indicators of a child's popularity and peer rejection were chosen as an external criterion to verify the concurrent validity of the SV-P.All of the children attending the same kindergarten groups as the target children (N=54) participated in a sociometric test.It was implemented in a form of combined nomination and paired-comparison technique using a group photo of the children in a kindergarten group.The results of the composite scales of SV-P – Social Competence,Internalizing Problems,Externalizing Problems and Genaral Adaptation – were related to the children's sociometric positions within the kindergarten group in the expected directions and to a satisfactory degree.In addition,the results obtained by the sociometric procedure with a sample of 210 children were analysed.They highlight the proportions of kindergarten children classified into different sociometric statuses - popular,neglected,rejected,controversial and average – and suggest that during the early childhood the children clearly prefer their same-sex peers.
其他摘要:V prispevku predstavljamo mere časovne zanesljivosti in kriterijske veljavnosti Vprašalnika socialnega vedenja predšolskih otrok (SV-P).Zanesljivost temeljnih in sestavljenih lestvic SV-P smo na vzorcu 39-ih otrok preverjale z metodo test-retest v dvomesečnem intervalu ter z metodo časovne stabilnosti v šestmesečnem intervalu na drugem vzorcu 48-ih otrok.Na vseh temeljnih in sestavljenih lestvicah SV-P sta se obe meri izkazali kot ustrezno visoki.Za preizkus veljavnosti instrumenta na zunanjem kriteriju smo izbrale sociometrične pokazatelje otrokove priljubljenosti in nepriljubljenosti med vrstniki.Z vsemi otroki,ki obiskujejo iste skupine v vrtcu kot otroci,izbrani v vzorec (N=54),smo izvedle sociometrično preizkušnjo v kombinirani obliki poimenovanja in parnih primerjav ob skupinski fotografiji otrok.Rezultati na sestavljenih lestvicah SV-P - Socialna prilagojenost,Socialna kompetentnost,Ponotranjanje težav in Pozunanjanje težav - so se v pričakovani smeri in v zadovoljivi meri povezovali s pokazatelji otrokovega sociometričnega položaja v skupini v vrtcu.Dodatno prikazujemo analizo rezultatov 210-ih otrok na sociometrični preizkušnji,ki nam daje vpogled v deleže posameznih položajev otrok v skupini v vrtcu - priljubljeni,prezrti,zavrnjeni,kontroverzni in povprečni - in kaže na izrazito preferenco istospolnih vrstnikov že v obdobju zgodnjega otroštva.