出版社:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani (Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts)
摘要:The description of the syntax of the infinitive in Hellenistic and Byzantine Greek is dominated by the historical approach,which interprets syntactic changes in the light of the anticipated disappearance of the infinitive.However,the syntax of the infinitival clauses dating from these two periods displays phenomena apparently not known to Classical Greek,at least not in an identical form.Moreover,these phenomena cannot be adequately explained as signs heralding the disappearance of the infinitive.The paper addresses: (1) the use of the AcI structure when the subject of the main clause is coreferential with that of an indicative infinitival clause dependent on a verb of speaking or thinking;(2) the use of negative particles in infinitival clauses dependent on verbs of speaking or thinking;(3) the use of the infinitive in indirect questions.
其他摘要:Dobro znano je,da je grščina v svoji zgodovini izgubila večino neosebnih glagolskih oblik.Primerjava starogrškega izvirnika in njegovega prevoda v novo grščino je zgovorna: Συνδειπνῆσαι δὲ τῷ Κίμωνί φησιν ὁ Ἴων παντάπασιν μειράκιον ἥκων εἰς Ἀθήνας ἐκ Χίου παρὰ Λαομεδόντι,καὶ τῶν σπονδῶν γενομένων παρακληθέντος ᾆσαι καὶ ᾄσαντος οὐκ ἀηδῶς,ἐπαινεῖν τοὺς παρόντας ὡς δεξιώτερον Θεμιστοκλέους.(Plutarh,Življenjepis Kimona,9.1) Ion pravi,da je pri Laomedontu večerjal skupaj s Kimonom,ko je še kot majhen deček prišel s Hiosa v Atene.Ko so ga po opravljenih daritvah prosili,naj zapoje,in je zapel vsega občudovanja vredno,so ga prisotni hvalili kot boljšega od Temistokla.