摘要:Floristic surveys of weeds were performed at the experimental field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops,Department of Organic agriculture and biodiversity in Bački Petrovac.Weed flora was analyzed in the following crops: corn,wheat,buckwheat,soya beans,beans,dill,mint,basil,marigold and flax,which were cultivated by conventional and organic farming principles.The experiment was conducted on chernozem on loess and loess-like sediments,calcareous gleyed medium deep.In the studied crops 32 weed species were recorded,with dominance of species of the class Magnoliopsida (broadleaf weeds) 29 species,while the class Liliopsida (narrow-leaved weeds) is present with only three species.Although infestation was not large,the diverity of weed flora is not negligible.It was largest in the organic corn crops (17 species),than in the conventional production of crop marigold (16 species) and of buckwheat (15 species).In all crops,the most common weeds are: Amaranthus retroflexus L.,Convolvulus arvensis L.,Datura stramonium L.,Solanum nigrum L.and Sorghum halepense L.of which three belong to the category of invasive plant species.
其他摘要:Floristička istraživanja korova obavljena su na oglednim parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Odeljenja za organsku poljoprivredu i biodiverzitet u Bačkom Petrovcu.Korovska flora je analizirana u sledećim usevima: kukuruz,pšenica,heljda,soja,pasulj,mirođija,nana,bosiljak,neven i lan,koji su gajeni konvencionalno i po principima organske proizvodnje.Ogled je postavljen na zemljištu tipa černozem na lesu i lesolikim sedimentima,karbonatno oglejeni srednje duboki.U istraživanim usevima zabeleženo je prisustvo ukupno 32 korovske vrste,među kojima dominiraju predstavnici klase Magnoliopsida (dikotile,širokolisni korovi) i to 29 vrsta,dok su iz klase Liliopsida (monokotile,uskolisni korovi),prisutne samo tri vrste.Iako zakorovljenost nije bila velika,ipak nije zanemarljiv diverzitet korovske flore koji je bio najveći u organskom usevu kukuruza,17 vrsta,zatim u konvencionalno gajenom usevu nevena,16 vrsta i u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji heljde,15 vrsta.U svim usevima,među prisutnim korovima,najučestalije su: Amaranthus retroflexus L.,Convolvulus arvensis L.,Datura stramonium L.,Solanum nigrum L.i Sorghum halepense L.,od kojih tri pripadaju kategoriji invazivnih biljnih vrsta.
关键词:diversity;weeds;flora;conventional and organic agriculture
其他关键词:diverzitet;korovi;flora;konvencionalna i organska poljoprivreda