摘要:Because the infestation is one of the biggest problems in organic production,the aim of this study was to investigate the weed flora in carrot (Daucus carota L.),in the open area,and its ecological and plant-geographic analysis as a good starting point in the choice of measures for the control of weeds.Floristic surveys were conducted during the growing season 2011-2012 at the farms for organic agriculture in Totovo selo,Ljutovo and Kelebija (Vojvodina Province).There were recorded 22 weed species,of which 12 were weed-ruderal,6 were segetal,2 were ruderal and 2 were weeds of meadows and pastures.Most of the detected weeds had flowering time from June till September.The analysis of weeds life forms indicates on terophytic character of investigated flora (therophytes were present with 77.28%).The plant-geographic analysis showed the dominance of the plants of wide distribution (90.91%).Based on the ecological analysis of weeds in crop of carrot,the site of analyzed agroecosystems were characterized as: moderately moist (F - 2.55),neutral chemical reactions (R - 3.18),relatively rich in minerals (N - 3.86) with high content of organic matter (H - 3.00),moderately aerated (D - 3.77) and unsalted (S - 81.82%).In analyzed weed flora bioindicators of warm (T - 4.00) and a well-lit site (L - 3.82) were dominant and were adapted to the conditions of moderate continental climate of the study area (K - 3.05).
其他摘要:S obzirom da u organskoj proizvodnji zakorovljenost useva predstavlja jedan od najvećih problema,cilj rada je bio proučavanje korovske flore u usevu šaragarepe (Daucus carota L.),na otvorenom prostoru i njena ekološka i biljnogeografska analiza,što je dobra polazna osnova u izboru mera za borbu protiv korova.Floristička istraživanja obavljena su tokom vegetacionog peroda 2011-2012.godine na imanjima za organsku poljoprivredu u Totovu Selu,Ljutovu i Kelebiji (Vojvodina).Ukupno su konstatovane 22 korovske vrste,od čega su 12 korovsko-ruderalne,6 segetalne,2 ruderalne i 2 su korovi livada i pašnjaka.Većina konstatovanih korova cveta od juna do septembara.Analiza životnih formi korova ukazuje na terofitski karakter ispitivane flore (terofite su prisutne sa 77,28%).U spektru arealtipova dominantni su florni elemenati širokog rasprostranjenja (90,91%).Na osnovu ekološke analize korova u usevu šargarepe utvrđeno je da je stanište analiziranog agroekosistema: umereno vlažno (F - 2,55),neutralne hemijske reakcije (R - 3,18),relativno bogato mineralnim materijama (N - 3,86),sa srednjim sadržajem organskih materija (H – 3,00),umereno aerisano (D - 3,77) i nezaslanjeno (S- - 81,82%).U analiziranoj korovskoj flori dominiraju bioindikatori toplih (T - 4,00) i dobro osvetljenih staništa (L - 3,82) prilagođeni uslovima umereno kontinentalne klime istraživanog područja (K - 3,05).
关键词:organic production;weeds;ecological and plant-geographic analysis;carrot
其他关键词:organska poljoprivreda;korovi;ekološka i biljnogeografska analiza;šargarepa