摘要:Th ree weedy sunfl ower (Helianthus annuus L.) populations (WS-P1 and WS-P2 –originated from sites where herbicide ALS inhibitors used many years;WS-P3- was obtained from a site where herbicides was never used) were studied for ecological fi tness assessment.Vegetative parameters (plant height,fresh weight,leaf area),relative chlorophyll content,fecundity and percentage of germination,length and weight of seedlings in fi led/control conditions were recorded during two years.Th e most frequently WS-P1 and WS-P2 populations were of better ecological fi tness than the WS-P3 population.Based on the results it was found that populations of WS which originated from sites where herbicides permanent used are with better ecological fi tness in compare with population which originated from a site where herbicides was never used it was connect with genetic diversity and polymorphism which could promote the invasiveness of these weedy sunfl ower populations in landscape.
其他摘要:Tri populacije korovskog suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.) (KS-P1 i KS-P2 -potiču sa površina gde je duži niz godina bilo primene herbicida ALS inhibitora;KS-P3- potiče sa površine gde nikada nije bilo primene herbicida) su ispitivane u cilju procene njihovog fi tnesa.Za procenu fi tnesa u poljskim uslovima proučavani su vegetativni parametri (visina biljaka,sveža masa,lisna površina),relativni saržaj hlorofi la,prinos i parametri prinosa (broj glavica po biljci i prečnik glavice).U kontrolisanim uslovima ispitivana je klijavost semena,dužina i masa klijanaca.Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da populacije KS koje potiču sa površina gde su primenjivani herbicidi su sa boljim vegetativnim i generativnim potencijalom,a što se može dovesti u vezu sa izraženijim genetičkim polimorfi zmom koji im omogućava veću i uspešniju invazivnost.