摘要:For the purpose of studying the weed fl ora in soybeans and possibilities of its containment through an application of herbicides,research has been conducted in various agroecological conditions,over a two-year period (2011 and 2012.),through work on experimental plots and in the laboratory,on location Sremska Mitrovica (Srem).On the aforementioned locations fl oristic recordings of the weed fl ora were conducted,followed by a determination of the plant material,data sorting,a design of fl oristic tables,charts,pictures,etc.Based on the analysis of life forms,a life form classifi cation was established for the fl ora in the investigated area.Th e fl ora of the investigated area shows a dominant presence of therophytes,and to a much lesser extent of geophytes.On localities Sremska Mitrovica all the established species belong to wide-spread fl oral elements.Apart from cosmopolites,there is a predominant presence of adventive,subcircumpolar,subeuroasian,and pontosubmediteranean geoelements.Th e pontosubmediteranean fl oral element is least represented.By way of an analysis of the ecological humidity indexes,of the chemical reaction of the environment (pH),of the contents of biogenic mineral matter (nitro compounds in particular),of light,and of temperature,a domination of neutrophilic plants (K3 ) was determined,as well as of eutrophic habitat plants (N4 ),light indicator taxons (S4 ),and thermophilic plants (T4 ) (an indicator of warm habitats).Th e taxonomic analysis of the weed fl ora in soy crops grown as part of the two-year experiments in a control test variant on the studied localities has shown the presence of vascular macrophyte species,whose genera and families were determined,as well as the belonging classes,Magnolipsida (Dicotyledone) and Liliopsida (Monocotyledones).Th e class of Magnolipsida is dominated by the representatives of the families Brassicaceae and Asteraceae,while the representatives of other families are fewer.Th e class of Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) is dominated by a small number of species from the Poaceae family.Th e total effi cacy of the applied herbicides in the investigated areas is high,and was highly dependent upon the type and combination of herbicides,and to a lesser degree on the year of examination.
其他摘要:U cilju proučavanja korovske fl ore u usevu soje i mogućnosti njene kontrole primenom herbicida,istraživanja su realizovana u Sremskoj Mitrovici (Srem) u toku dvogodišnjeg ogleda.Napravljeni su snimci korovske fl ore u usevu soje,a zatim je izvršena i determinacija biljnog materijala,sređivanje podataka,izrada fl orističkih tabela i slika.Urađena je analiza životnih formi i pripadnost fl ornim elementima,kao i analiza ekoloških indeksa za vlažnost,hemijsku reakciju sredine (pH),sadržaj biogenih mineralnih materija (posebno jedinjenja azota),svetlost i temperaturu.U fl ori ispitivanog područja uočava se veća zastupljenost terofi ta,a znatno slabije geofi ta.Sve konstatovane vrste pripadaju fl ornim elementima širokog rasprostranjenja.Utvrđena je dominacija neutrofi lnih biljaka (K3 ),biljaka eutrofnih staništa (N4 ),dominacija taksona indikatora svetlosti S4 i termofi lnih biljaka (T4 ),indikatora toplih staništa.Na ovom lokalitetu je znatno veća zastupljenost širokolisnih korovskih vrsta.Ukupna efi kasnost primenjenih herbicida na proučavanom lokalitetu je bila visoka,i zavisila je kako od korovske vrste i kombinacije herbicida,tako i od vremenskih uslova u godini kada je ogled izvođen.