摘要:The effects of the herbicide glyphosate on the abudence of bacteria and actinomycetes,activity of enzyme β-glucosidase and microbial phosphorus biomass were examined.A laboratory bioassay set up on two types of soils differing in physicochemical properties (loam and sandy loam).The following concentrations were tested: 32.6,65.2,326.0 and 3260.0 mg a.i.kg-1of soil.Samples were collected 3,7,14,30 and 45 days after treatment with glyphosate.The acquired date indicated that the effect of glyphosate on microbial activity of the soils depended on its application rate,duration of activity and tipe of soil,and the effect was either stimulating or inhibiting.However,the detected changes were found to be transient,indicating that there is no real risk of the compound disrupting the balance of biochemical processes in soil.
其他摘要:Ispitivan je uticaj herbicida glifosata na brojnost bakterija i aktinomiceta,aktivnost enzima β-glukozidaze i mikrobiološku biomasu fosfora.Ogled je postavljen u laboratorijskim uslovima na dva tipa zemljišta koja se razlikuju po svojim fizičko-hemijskim osobinama (ilovača i peskuša).Primenjene su koncentracije od 32,6;65,2;326,0 i 3260,0 mg a.s.kg-1zemljišta.Uzorci za analizu uzeti su 3,7,14,30 i 45 dana nakon primene glifosata.Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je delovanje glifosata na mikrobiološku aktivnost ispitivanih zemljišta zavisilo od primenjene koncentracije,dužine delovanja i tipa zemljišta,te je u zavisnosti od toga bilo stimulativno ili inhibitorno.Međutim,utvrđene promene su bile prolaznog karaktera,pa se predpostavlja da nema realnog rizika od narušavanja ravnoteže mikrobioloških procesa u zemljištima pod uticajem ovog jedinjenja.