期刊名称:Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness
出版社:University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty Mihajlo Pupin, Zrenjanin
摘要:The research was conducted in the metal processing industry of the Republic of Serbia in the period between June 2011 and December 2014.In particular,the study involves the examination of the impact of middle managers in managing design changes in the metal industry in Serbia.The data was obtained by interviewing 103 middle level managers from 10 companies of metal industry from Zrenjanin,Belgrade,Valjevo and a_ak.The method of statistical data processing was performed using factor analysis.The answers to the questions were given by middle managers who deal with industrial design.The main conclusions of the study are: variables serial production,product design,modern production methods,product assembly make factor 1.Variables environmental impact,energy use,recycling and transmission of noise make the factor 2.Variables the life of the structure,tolerance of elements,and comfort of the product make the factor 3.Variable capacity and rigidity of the construction make factor 4.Variables exploitation of products and maintenance make the factor 5.Variables functionality of the product and assembly of the product make the factor 6.Variables technique of network planning and linear programming make factor 7.Variable capacity of the machine and capacity of the factory make the factor 8.These factors will have an impact on design management in the near future,and make the key to survival in the global market for all companies in the field of mechanical engineering and material handling.
其他摘要:U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja uticaja srednjih menadžera pri upravljanju promenama u metaloprera_iva_koj industriji u Republici Srbiji.Istraživanje je sprovedeno u metaloprera_iva_koj industriji u Republici Srbiji u periodu od juna 2011.do decembra 2014.godine.Podaci su dobijeni anketiranjem 103 menadžera srednjeg nivoa iz 10 kompanija iz metaloprera_iva?ke industrije Zrenjanina,Beograda,Valjeva i a_ka.Statisti?ka metoda za obradu podataka je izvršena korišenjem faktorske analize.Odgovore na pitanja dali su srednji menadžeri koji se bave industrijskim dizajnom.Glavni zaklju_ci istraživanja su: varijable serijska proizvodnja,dizajn proizvoda,savremene metode proizvodnje i faktor proizvodnje _ine faktor 1;Varijable uticaj na životnu sredinu,korištenje energije,recikliranje i prenos buke _ine faktor 2;Varijable životni vek strukture,tolerancija elemenata i komfor proizvoda _ine faktor 3;Varijable kapacitet i rigidnost konstrukcije _ine faktor 4;Varijable eksploatacija proizvoda i održavanje _ine faktor 5;Varijable funkcionalnost proizvoda i montaža proizvoda _ine faktor 6_?Varijable tehnika planiranja i linearnog programiranja ?ine faktor 7?_Varijable kapacitet mašine i kapacitet fabrike _ine faktor 8.Ovi faktori e uticati na upravljanje projektovanjem u bliskoj budunosti i bie klju?ni za sve kompanije koje žele da opstanu na globalnom tržištu iz oblasti koje su vezane za meteloprera?iva?ku industriju i mašinstvo.