摘要:During the centuries of conventional banking practice,a number of credit risk mitigation techniques and instruments have been developed and the process of their evolution,due to constant changes in the banking business,is continuing.Islamic banks,however,have not yet managed to develop authentic,Shariah acceptable credit risk management techniques to the extent sufficient to meet their needs.Therefore,they are often forced to use conventional techniques,whose consistent application in Islamic banking,due to the Shariah non-compliance of certain techniques or the way in which they are implemented in conventional banking,is quite limited.In this paper,we will analyze the conventional credit risk management and mitigation techniques and their applicability in Islamic banking,the credit risk management practices in Islamic banks,the achieved results and factors that influence the emergence and intensity of credit risk in Islamic banking.
其他摘要:Tokom viševekovne prakse konvencionalnog bankarstva,razvijene su brojne tehnike i instrumenti za ublažavanje kreditnog rizika i proces njihove evolucije,zbog stalnih promena u bankarskom poslovanju,i dalje traje.Islamske banke,pak,još uvek nisu uspele da razviju autentične,šerijatski prihvatljive tehnike za upravljanje kreditnim rizikom u obimu dovoljnom da zadovolji njihove potrebe.Stoga,one su često primorane da koriste konvencionalne tehnike,čija je dosledna primena u islamskom bankarstvu,usled šerijatske neusklađenosti pojedinih tehnika ili načina na koji se one u konvencionalnom bankarstvu implementiraju,dosta ograničena.U ovom radu,analiziraćemo konvencionalne tehnike upravljanja i ublažavanja kreditnog rizika i njihovu primenjivost u islamskom bankarstvu,praksu upravljanja kreditnim rizikom u islamskim bankama,ostvarene rezultate i faktore koji utiču na pojavu i intenzitet kreditnog rizika u islamskom bankarstvu.