标题:Weeds as vectors of diseases and pests in organic production of rocket salad -Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.(syn.Eruca sativa Miller) (Brassicaceae Burn.,Capparidales)
其他标题:Korovi kao vektori bolesti i štetočina pri organskoj proizvodnji rukole - Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.(syn.Eruca sativa Miller) (Brassicaceae Burn.,Capparidales)
摘要:During the vegetation period (2010) in flora of weeds with organic production ofrocket salad - Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.(syn.Eruca sativa Miller) in the open area was found 31 plant species.Investigation was made in village Kisač (Serbia - Vojvodina) in Vozar property.According Kovačević (1976) founded weeds species are vektor of 25 fungus,31 insects,20 nematodes and 1 virus or a total of at least 77 taxons.Very interesting is that two weeds species from Brassicaceae familia are very important vektor.Capsella bursa-pastoris is vektor of 4 fungus,3 insects and the least of 8 nematodes.Sinapis arvensis is vektor of 3 fungus,the least 11 insects and the least 4 nematodes.Together,only this two species are vektor of 5 fungus,the least 14 insects and the least 10 nematodes.From this reason,this two species are evidently the most undesirablest weeds in crop of rocket salad.Besides them,the category of extremely undesirable weeds in rocket salad crops,as vectors of numerous diseases and pests belong Bilderdykia convolvulus,Cirsium arvense and Convolvulus arvensis.At the same time,Capsella bursa-pastoris,Sinapis arvensis,Bilderdykia convolvulus,Cirsium arvense and Convolvulus arvensis are the most common weeds in the crops of rocket salad,and it is necessary their constant and vigorous suppression.
其他摘要:Pri organskoj proizvodnji rukole - Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav.(syn.Eruca sativa Miller) na otvorenom prostoru,u ataru sela Kisač (Srbija - Vojvodina) na imanju porodice Vozar,konstatovan je,tokom vegetacionog perioda 2010.godine,31 takson korova.Na osnovu podataka koje navodi Kovačević (1976),konstatovani taksoni korova vektori su najmanje 25 taksona gljiva,najmanje 31 taksona insekata,najmanje 20 taksona nematoda i jednog taksona virusa,što ukupno čini najmanje 77 taksona koji su vektori bolesti i štetočina.Karakteristično je da su Capsella bursa-pastoris i Sinapis arvensis koje,kao i usev rukole,pripadaju porodici kupusnjača (fam.Brassicaceae),vrlo značajni vektori bolesti i štetočina.Naime,Capsella bursa-pastoris je vektor 4 gljive,3 insekta,i najmanje 8 nematoda,a Sinapis arvensis je vektor 3 gljive,najmanje 11 insekata i najmanje 4 nematode.Te dve korovske vrste,koje su zajedno vektor 5 gljiva,najmanje 14 insekata i najmanje 10 nematoda,nedvosmisleno,su najnepoželjniji korovi u usevu rukole.Pored njih,kategoriji izrazito nepoželjnih korova u usevu rukole,kao vektori brojnih bolesti i štetotočina,pripadaju i Bilderdykia convolvulus,Cirsium arvense i Convolvulus arvensis.Istovremeno su Capsella bursa-pastoris,Sinapis arvensis,Bilderdykia convolvulus,Cirsium arvense i Convolvulus arvensis,i brojnošću i pokrovnošću i socijalnošću,najzastupljeniji korovi u proučavanom usevu,pa je neophodno njihovo stalno i energično suzbijanje.
关键词:organic production;rocket salad;flora of weeds;fungus;insects;nematodes;viruses.