摘要:Effects of the herbicide sulphosate on growth,accumulation and distribution of dry weight and photosynthesis were investigated in maize plants grown in field conditions and previosly subjected to influence of kinetine,because of potentialy protective role of this phytohormone.This phytohormone not protected maize plants from phytotoxic action of herbicide sulphosate,because of inhibition of growth,accumulation and distribution of dry weight and also photosynthesis,irrespective of kind of pretreatment of plants (with or without kinetine).Also we concluded that Fv/Fm and RFd parameters of Chla fluorescence is good nondestructive indicators of plant physiological status,both in control and sulphosate-treated maize plants.
其他摘要:U radu se razmatra dejstvo herbicida sulfosata na rastenje,akumulaciju i preraspodelu suve mase,kao i fotosintezu biljaka kukuruza raslih u poljskim uslovima i izloženih predtretmanu fitohormonom kinetinom,radi provere eventualnog protektivnog (prema herbicidu sulfosatu) dejstva pomenutog fitohormona.Nađeno je da fitohormon kinetin ne obezbeđuje biljkama kukuruza zaštitu od dejstva herbicida sulfosata,zato što dolazi do inhibicije rastenja,akumulacije i preraspodele suve mase,kao i fotosinteze biljaka kukuruza,nezavisno od toga da li su biljke prethodno tretirane ili ne fitohormonom kinetinom.Takođe je nađeno da su Fv/Fm i RFd parametri fluorescencije Chla dobri nedestruktivni pokazatelji fiziološkog stanja biljaka,kod kontrolnih i kod sulfosatom tretiranih biljaka kukuruza.