出版社:Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre University of Karachi
摘要:سمہ عہد:ایک تحقیقی جائزہ، بنیادی تاریخی ماخذات کی روشنی میں In the mid of four teenth century A.D. the Summa dynasty had established domination over Sindh. Infromation about early years and events of the Summa dynasty are ambiguous,elaborate here with the help of contemporary history. Summas belong to the landlord tribe of Sindh. In the era of Sultan Firuz Tughlaq,Summas try to establish their independent government and for achieving this very purpose,they even petronize Mongols,this imperious attitude led to Firuz Shah attack on Jams and also conquering of Sindh. After Firuz Shah his successor's weakness and incompetency,they didn't held Sindh too long. The Summa dynasty ruled in sindh upto 1520 A.D. and their era ended by Arghons of Afghanistan.