期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Purpose.At the European level,there were identified some general objectives for the implementation of practical actions into education and training: encouraging the acquisition of new knowledge,school approaching to the economic sector,combating social exclusion,equally treating capital investment and training.The purpose of this paper is to identify which objectives of the professional development are characteristic to our occupational domain and can be transferred to the adult training programs permanently tailored to the social requirements.Methods.As research methods,we used the study of specialty bibliography,the survey (questionnaire) and statistical-mathematical processing.The global questionnaire was made up of 17 items,but for this research we processed only the item concerning the objectives for professional development.The sample consisted of 102 physical education and sports teachers from Teleorman county.Results.A high quality professional development is essential to increase educators’ knowledge,skills,attitudes and beliefs,so that they could assure an educational process to the requested level.In all the categories of investigated subjects,we identified a priority able to improve the teaching skills.We consider that this option is a characteristic of physical education and sports teachers who want to be well informed about the latest methodical and psychopedagogical approaches.For each category of teachers,we identified a dominant option,even if this one wasn’t significantly different from the others.Conclusions.In order to design attractive educational continuing programs,the promoter must be informed about the particularities of the professional development process in different categories of specialists.As we shall see,each category has a specific way to approach the lifelong learning process.To draw up consistent programs and provide an attractive educational offer,institutions have to take into account all the professional and social aspects that can influence the continuing educational process achievement in physical education and sports area.
关键词:professional development;physical education and sports;initial training;continuing education;teachers.