期刊名称:Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport/Science, Movement and Health
出版社:Ovidius University Press
摘要:Aim.This paper is made and published under the aegis of the National University of Physical Education and Sports as a partner of program co-funded by the European Union within the Operational Sectoral Program for Human Resources Development through the project for Pluri- and interdisciplinary in doctoral and post-doctoral program Project Code: POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141086,its main beneficiary being the Research Institute for Quality of Life,Romanian Academy.Our contribution to the development of this project is concretized in a research focused on the positive influence of a complex intervention strategy designed for the child with diabetes.The aim of this paper is to identify the difficulties encountered,at the social level,by the parents of the child with diabetes,whose responsibility involves not only the good management of this disease,but also the minor child’s functional independence and social integration.Methods.As research methods,we used: bibliographic study,observation,the survey method and statistics.The research took place between October and December 2014,within the UNEFS,in cooperation with the DiabNutriMed Clinic of Diabetes.The sample included 11 adults (aged 35 to 45 years),representatives of families taking care of children with diabetes.A questionnaire has been created,with a focus on: the child’s functional independence,his/her social integration and the support granted by the system.Results have highlighted that the difficulties encountered at the social level are related to the strict compliance with the diet and treatment,the social services and the population’s level of information.The social impact felt by the parents amplifies the severity of the disease and makes it difficult to care for the child with diabetes.Conclusion.The impact,at the social level,felt as a result of the interaction between persons with health problems and without health problems can be diminished by increasing the actions intended to inform and educate the population,which leads to an intensification of the empathy,emotional resonance and social cognition processes,reflected in the social cohesion.