摘要:In recent years,the offshore wind power industry has been growing dynamically.A key element which decides upon power output of a wind power plant is blades.They are most frequently produced from polymers – laminates with epoxy resins and fiberglass.In the near future,when the blade life cycles are over,large amounts of waste material of this type will have to be reused.This paper presents a comparison analysis of the impact of particular material existence cycle stages of land-based and offshore wind power plant blades on the environment.Two wind power plant blades,of about 49 m in length each,were examined using the LCA method,the programme SimaPro,and Ekowskaźnik 99 modelling (phase LCIA).
关键词:life cycle assessment (LCA);wind power plant blades;post-consumer reuse of materials;offshore wind power plants;Ekowskaźnik 99