摘要:A short review of our recent research on the essential oil phytochemical composition of Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn.and Petasites hybridus (L.) G.Gaertn.,B.Mey.& Scherb.(Asteraceae) as well as on the oils of Globularia cordifolia L.,Globularia meridionalis (Podp.) O.Schwarz and Globularia punctata Lapeyr.(Plantaginaceae) is presented.All essential oils contained a variety of oxygenated sesquiterpenes among their major constituents,including a bakkane type sesquiterpene fukinanolid (bakkenolide A).The paper is focused on: i) a short overview of the abundance of major terpenes in the essential oils of Petasites and Globularia species from Croatia;ii) possible biosynthetic pathways of major identified sesquiterpenes;and iii) biological activities (literature data) of major sesquiterpenes from Petasites and Globularia species.