摘要:Objective of the Study : To investigate retrospectively as well as prospectively the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women presenting with first-trimester threatened miscarriage.( Diagnosed on the basis of documented fetal cardiac activity on ultrasound with a history ofvaginal bleeding in the presence of a closed cervix,) Material and Methods : The study was conducted over a period of 24 months,from May 2010 to May 2012 in a tertiary care centre.All patients in the study were selected from consultant OPD.The study was conducted in 120 women with early pregnancy bleeding that were chosen based on the exclusion and inclusion criteria.A detailed obstetrical and medical history was taken,timing and intensity of bleeding.thorough examination of the patient including general phy sical examination,signs of anemia,detection of icterus,pulse,blood pressure recorded.P/A examination,P/S examination and a gentle P/V was done.Baseline investigations including Hb,blood grouping and typing,BT,CT,TLC,DLC,urine examination,blood sugar,thyroid profile,USG for gestational age & fetal viability was also done.Results : The mean maternal age ofthe study group was 26.25 yrs (SD - 3.549)years and 58 (48.3%) of the mothers were nulli parous while 62 (51.7%) were multi parous women.The complications seen in the study group were preterm premature rupture of membranes 7 (65.83%),placental abruption 2 (1.67%),small for gestation 7 (5.83%) and manual removal of placenta 2 (1.67%).When compared with age and parity matched controls with other studies done in similar fashion,significant differences were obtained.Conclusion : Threatened miscarriage is associated with placental abruption,pregnancy induced hypertension and fetal growth restriction.