出版社:Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing (Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics)
摘要:This article examines syntax acquisition in Estonian on the basis of the spontaneous speech data of two children acquiring Estonian as their native language.The early utterances and the acquisition of syntax by children can be divided into three stages according to the strategy that a child uses to produce multi-word utterances: the use of antecedents,the particle period and the formation of the basic verbal argument structure constructions.The data indicates that Estonian children often use an extragrammatical operation,antecedents,while they iterate two- and multiword utterances.As children get older,the number of antecedents is gradually reduced and a substantial amount of particles and syntactically not bound two-word utterances appears.Simultaneously,child speech features some basic verbal argument structure constructions,subject-verb (SV),verb-object (VO) and subject-verb-object (SVO),and the number of such constructions increases gradually.
其他摘要:Artiklis vaadeldakse kahe lapse spontaanse kõne andmestiku põhjal eesti keele süntaksi varast omandamist.Laste süntaksi varase arengu saab jaotada kolme perioodi strateegia järgi,mida laps esimeste mitmesõnaliste lausungite moodustamiseks kasutab.Andmetest nähtub,et eesti lapsed kasutavad mitmesõnaliste lausungite loomisel esialgu palju grammatikavälist vahendit,kordust.Lapse vanusega korduste hulk järk-järgult väheneb ja kõnesse ilmuvad kahest sõnast koosnevad,kuid süntaktiliselt sidumata lausungid.Viimasel vaatlusvahemikul leidub laste kõnes süntaktilistel baassuhetel,nagu subjekt-verb,verb-objekt põhinevaid lausungeid.