摘要:Rising awareness of human resources has started to encourage corporations to integrate a human resources department into themselves.A human resources department,which predicates effective and efficient working,manages an organization’s workforce.This department,which is responsible for attraction,selection and evaluation of new employees,aims to hire the most suitable employees through a review in which it assesses a prospective employee’s personality,education,skills and interests.Corporations need to employ the most effective and high quality staff in order to be creative and compete with rival firms effectively.This need for high quality staff forces organizations to be meticulous in the selection process.What is important is to create an element of competition which cannot be copied by rivals.The key to this is to have an effective human resources department.Man is open to change and development as opposed to machinery.Therefore,while recruiting new employees,utmost care must be taken.Besides a prospective employee’s skills and experience,whether he or she can work in concert with fellow employees must be taken into consideration as well.The principal aim of a human resources department is to find the right person for the right position,which is very important to an organization because hiring the wrong employee will create problems for both the firm and the person hired.A human resources department operates through several stages: first of all,it determines the number and quality of the staff it needs and it is responsible for attracting the right employees.It then must pick the right employees through recruitment process.The aim is to hire the best prospective employee for the vacant position.
其他摘要:Günümüzün taklit edilmesi ve kopyalanması en zor olan rekabet avantajı enstrümanı İnsan kaynağıdır.Bu nedenle insan kaynakları bölümünün en kritik fonksiyonu işgören seçmektir.Örgütün kendine özgü yapısını,yapılacak işin özelliklerini ve işgören adayının özelliklerini doğru analiz edebilmek örgütün sürdürülebilirliliği adına hayati bir önem taşımaktadır.Bu nedenle örgüt yönetimleri akademik çevreler işgören seçme teknikleri üzerinde çalışmalarını yoğunlaştırmaktadır.Yetkinlik kavramı bu tekniklere yeni bir boyut açmıştır.Bu çalışmada,işgören seçme kavramı,teorik altyapısı,yöntemleri ve yetkinlik kavramının konuya getirdiği boyut tartışılmıştır.Son bölümde ise Türkiye’deki büyük ölçekli şirketlerin işgören seçme eğilimleri analiz edilmiştir.