标题:The Factors Affecting the Adoption of Enviromental Management Accounting in the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Companies with Structural Equation Modeling Aprpoach
摘要:Today,businesses must focus on profits on the one hand and social and environmental issues on the other hand to make balance between them.Conservation and sustainability are increasingly dependent on observance of corporate social responsibilities.For this reason,business units report on their sustainability and environmental accounting.The aim of this study was to examine and model the factors influencing the use of environmental management accounting tools from the points of view of financial managers and assistants who are in the oil refining and petrochemical companies.Method: The method used in this study was based on a descriptive survey and its design was quasi-experimental.For the field of study,a questionnaire including 5 general and 31 specific questions was used.The population consisted of financial administrators and assistants in oil refining and petrochemical companies,a subsidiary of the national oil company.There was no sampling method used and we tested the whole society including 182 people.To evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire,Cronbach’s Alpha and spilit-half were used.The measurement tools used in the study were reliable and none of the questions was removed.One sample t-test,Pearson correlation,confirmatory factor analysis,path analysis,structural equation modeling,two sample T-test and analysis of variance were performed by using LISREL and SPSS software.Results: The result of this test by using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation test showed that the significance level of all the factors were larger than 1/96 and all the routes specified in the model were significant.Culture of the society in dealing with environmental issues,with a significance level of 5/54,had the greatest impact among the factors influencing the use of environmental management accounting tools.Conclusion: According to the results of the study,it is recommended that,by using personality tools,the right people should be appointed in organizational position in that agency to implement environmental management accounting and it is necessary to establish the use of tools in reducing environmental pollution.