摘要:Parents and children are a bond of soul in separating body.The role of parents is very important for children,so,parents are the first and foremost educator and will be a model that is imitated by their children because children are very easy to imitate what their parents do.The purpose of this study is to find out parenting style for students,to know personality of the students in the misuse of social media,and to know the correlation between parenting style,students’ personality and misuse of social media in SMAN 2 Bogor.This study used quantitative research using correlation method.Hypothesis testing used product moment analysis and multiple correlation.The results of this study indicated that parenting style and students’ personality were high,and the misuse of social media was classified as moderate.The hypothesis showed that parenting style with students’ personality and misuse of social media value (Sig 2 tailed) of product moment and Sig F Change double correlation were equally 0,000.it could be concluded that there was a correlation between parenting style,students’ personality,and simultaneous misuse of social media ad Sig F Change 0,000 < 0,05.H0 was rejected and it was concluded that there was a significant effect between parenting style (X1),Students’ personality (X2),and misuse of social media (Y).