摘要:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of: (1) parenting parents on religious awareness;(2) parenting parents on the impact of using social media;(3 the role of teachers in schools on religious awareness;(4) the role of teachers in schools on the impact of users social media;and (5) the impact of social media users on religious awareness.This study is a survey approach (survey research),researchers only distribute questionnaires to respondents,then respondents are asked to fill in accordance with what they feel with the statement on the questionnaire.The population in this study were junior high school students in the cities of Depok and Bogor,while the sample in this study were some junior high school students in Depok and Bogor consisting of 427 students.The data were analyzed using structural equation models known as the LISREL analysis to be performed in this study is a path analysis.The results of the research This shows: (1) parenting does not directly influence religious awareness;(2) parenting parents have a direct effect on overcoming the negative impacts of using social media;(3) the role of teachers in schools has a direct effect on religious awareness;(4) the role of teachers in schools has a direct effect on overcoming the negative impacts of social media users;and (5) the use of social media does not have a positive effect on religious awareness.