摘要:Needs are the essence of marketing concept.The key to survival,profitability and growth of companies in a highly competitive environment is the ability to identify and satisfy unsatisfied needs of motives better and faster than the competition.Psychologists and consumer behavior researchers point out that most people have the same kinds of needs and motives,but they just express them in different ways.Hence,it follows that the understanding of human motives is very important for the marketing experts,because it provides understanding and even prediction of human behavior in the market.
其他摘要:Potrebe su suština marketing koncepta.Ključ za opstanak,profitabilnost i rast preduzeća u visoko konkurentnom okruženju jeste njena sposobnost da identifikuje i zadovolji nezadovoljene potrebe potrošača,bolje i brže u odnosu na konkurenciju.Psiholozi i istraživači ponašanja potrošača ističu da većina osoba ima iste vrste potreba i motiva,ali da oni jednostavno izražavaju ove motive na različite načine.Proizilazi da je shvatanje ljudskih motiva veoma važno za marketing eksperte,jer im omogućava shvatanje i čak predviđanje ljudskog ponašanja na tržištu.