摘要:Directors,members of the Boards of Directors,have a fiduciary duty to protect shareholders’ interests.Yet,their interests are unlikely to be perfectly aligned with the shareholders’.Like all economic actors,directors may be presumed to prefer greater wealth to less wealth;hence,they should be responsive to financial incentives.Companies routinely use a variety of such incentives including additional fees for attending meetings,stock and option grants,and performance bonuses.Besides direct compensation,there are other motivations that could affect director behavior.A possible motive is the concern that directors have for being seen as able business people.A strong reputation is likely to be important in the market for getting more board seats or retaining the ones already held.
其他摘要:Direktori,članovi Upravnog Odbora,imaju dužnost da štite interese akcionara.Ipak,njihovi interesi verovatno nisu identični interesima akcionara.Kao i svi ekonomski akteri,direktori preferiraju veću zaradu,stoga se mogu motivisati upotrebom finansijskih podsticaja.Kompanije rutinski koriste razne sisteme podsticaja,uključujući nadoknadu za prisustvovanje sastancima,nagradu u akcijama i opcijama,i kratkoročne bonuse za ostvarene performanse.Pored direktne nagrade,postoje i drugi motivi koji bi mogli da utiču na aktivnosti direktora.Mogući motiv je snažna reputacija sposobnih poslovnih pojedinaca.Jaka reputacija značajna je na tržištu za osvajanje članstva u više Upravnih odbora,ili zadržavanje postojećih.
关键词:Board of Directors;Compensation;Incentive;Shareholders