摘要:What makes spa tourism to be one of the most developed kinds of tourism in Serbia is a large number of thermo-mineral springs,a long tradition of spa resorts and their importance for the development of tourism.During the time,this kind of tourism showed numerous peculiarities.Nowadays,many of them are still there and they refer to an emphasized amount of tourist traffic during the summer months,a shorter and shorter average residence of guests as well as a great deal of participation of complementary accommodation facilities in comparison with the basic ones.The aim of this assignment is the emphasis of ecological components in sustainable development of spa tourism in Serbia.
其他摘要:Veliki broj termomineralnih izvora,duga tradicija banjskih mesta i njihov značaj za razvoj turizma učinili su da banjski turizam postane jedan od najrazvijenijih oblika turizma u Srbiji.Ovaj oblik turizma je,tokom vremena,ispoljavao brojne specifičnosti.Mnoge od njih su prisutne i danas,a odnose se na naglašenu koncentraciju prometa u toku letnjih meseci,sve kraći prosečan boravak gostiju,kao i veliko učešće komplementarnih smeštajnih kapaciteta u odnosu na osnovne.Cilj ovog rada je naglašavanje ekološke komponente u održivom razvoju banjskog turizma u Srbiji.