摘要:Translated novel is the most sought after literary works domestically because of its dynamic storyline,its more diverse genres and its cultural aspect.The better quality of its translation,the more sought in the stores.There are several aspects to be considered in translating novels,one of which is commissive speech act and its responses.It aims in order to get the qualified translations in terms of accuracy and acceptability.This study was conducted to describe the translation quality of commissive speech act’s response.The study uses descriptive-qualitative research method.The source data used is a novel entitled Dark Matter.The primary data were the utterances of commissive speech acts’ responses.Meanwhile,the secondary data were the quality of the translation of commissive speech act’s response.The data were collected using content analysis and FGD or Focused Group Discussion through questionnaire and discussion.The result shows that there are 25 kinds of utterances in responding 79 commissive speech acts.Speech of responses of commissive speech act has high accuracy and acceptability.The Translated novel is the most sought after literary works domestically because of its dynamic storyline,its more diverse genres and its cultural aspect.The better quality of its translation,the more sought in the stores.There are several aspects to be considered in translating novels,one of which is commissive speech act and its responses.It aims in order to get the qualified translations in terms of accuracy and acceptability.This study was conducted to describe the translation quality of commissive speech act’s response.The study uses descriptive-qualitative research method.The source data used is a novel entitled Dark Matter.The primary data were the utterances of commissive speech acts’ responses.Meanwhile,the secondary data were the quality of the translation of commissive speech act’s response.The data were collected using content analysis and FGD or Focused Group Discussion through questionnaire and discussion.The result shows that there are 25 kinds of utterances in responding 79 commissive speech acts.Speech of responses of commissive speech act has high accuracy and acceptability.The.
其他摘要:Novel terjemahan adalah karya sastra yang paling banyak diminati di dalam negeri karena alur cerita yang lebih dinamis,genre yang lebih beragam,dan pengenalan aspek budaya BSa.Semakin baik kualitas terjemahan pada sebuah novel,semakin tinggi peminatnya.Dalam penerjemahan novel terdapat aspek-aspek yang perlu dipertimbangkan,salah satunya adalah tindak tutur komisif dan responsnya.Hal tersebut dilakukan agar mendapatkan terjemahan yang berkualitas dari segi keakuratan dan keberterimaan.Berdasarkan alasan tersebut,penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas respons dari tindak tutur komisif.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sebuah novel yang berjudul Dark Matter.Data primer pada penelitian ini berupa tuturan respons dari tindak tutur komisif.Data sekundernya adalah kualitas terjemahan tuturan respons dari tindak tutur komisif.Data tersebut dikumpulkan menggunakan analisis dokumen dan FGD melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan diskusi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 25 jenis tuturan dalam merespons 79 tindak tutur komisif.Tuturan yang merupakan respons terhadap tindak tutur komisif memiliki nilai keakuratan dan keberterimaan yang cukup tinggi.Kualitas terjemahan secara keseluruhan juga cukup tinggi.